1. Look back to your earliest posts. What were your goals? Did you achieve these goals? If so, what did you have to do consistently to achieve the goals?
My earliest goal is gain work experience and learn how to communicate with different patients. And develop my organizational skills in a hospital environment. Later I set the new goal that use the computer to help the patient re-schedule and help the new patients make clinic cards that they can use that card to make the appointments and check up. I achieved these goal, I start to learn the base things like making phones call, delivering the files and making copies. I did it well and I am curious how they work on the computer. Then the co-workers taught me help the patients re-schedule and made the clinic cards.
2. What are the most important ideas or skills you’ve learned in the last 12 weeks?
The most important skills I've learned in the last weeks are communication,written and oral, attention to detail, manage a calendar schedule and attention to deadlines.
3. In what ways have your grown as a student and young adult?
I think is handle things in different ways. When students have challenging questions, they have teachers to led them to solve it. when adult have challenging things, you need to predict what you should do and what you can not do. Sometime, you need to solve that without help, only by yourself.
4. What were the highlights (memorable moments) of your internship experience?
The highlights of my internship experience were the first day I work in the pediatrics clinic and I don't know what to do and waited for the jobs, the lady nicely to greet me and show me the procession to make phone calls. At the last week, I learned how to use the computer to help the patients re-schedule, After I finished, I found I made mistakes of it and I told them honestly. The co-workers did rebuke me, they said "nice try" they didn't correct the mistakes, but they tell you the procession to solved it.
5. What have you learned about the professional world?
I have learned learn about the professional world that base on different people, say and do different words and works. Every time you should show your respectful and your hard work, then people will know you and like you that you can learn more things you want to get.
6. What challenges did you overcome?
The challenges I overcome were communicate with the patients with the phone and base on the direction to find the rooms where I should deliver the stuffs to or grab the stuffs from.
7. If you were to start internship next week, what is at least one thing you would do differently?
I would do differently is willing to ask more curious questions and quickly to done my work then I have time to learn new things.
8. Think of two to three pieces of advice you could offer a new intern at your site.
I could offer three advices for a new intern at my site, they are RESPECTFUL, TRY YOUR BEST TO GET YOUR WORK DONE, AND WILLING TO ASK AND HELP. Another suggestion is CURIOUS.
9. What will you miss about your internship?
I will miss my new friends, co-workers and my supervisor. I'll also miss the nurses and the babies. I miss what I did during my internship.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thank you Letter
Dear Ms. Christina,
Thank you so much for being my internship supervisor this year. I really appreciate you taking care of me and offering the amazing job for me. It is very helpful and made me feel comfortable to work in the pediatrics clinic. Coney Island Hospital is wonderful place because I saw newborn babies everyday. You and the co-workers treated me so nicely. I loved this opportunity you gave me to learn new ideas outside of school and improve my communication skills and responsibilities.
I am thankful to you for answering all the questions even though you were so busy. i was so pleased to work with my co-workers. i loved them and love to work with them. They taught me new things step by step, from the base and through development. They were very patient to teach me. My work was not always perfect and I sometimes made mistakes. but they did not rebuke me. Instead, they encouraged me to do it better. Because of you, I was able to meet them and learn from them.
I will miss you and my new friends a lot. If you want to say hi to me, you can send me an email at jzhao@inths.org. I would love to hear form you.
Thank you so much!
JieWen Zhao
Photo Essay
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Interview
1. What is your full name?
Christina Cornacchia
2. Where are you from (city, state, country)?
Brooklyn, New York, USA
3. Where did you go to college? For how long? Would you like to go back to school?
I attended St. Francis College I was a Political Science major, I have a B.A. I am current in graduate school for Health Care Administrative at the CUNY Center for Professional Studies.
4. (If the interview went to college)... What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and at which school?
I was a Political Science major, I have a B.A. I am current in graduate school for Health Care Administrative at the CUNY Center for Professional Studies.
5. What made you choose your career you are working in now?
I choose the field of working for a non-profit health care organization because I was able to work for New York City in a way that benefits the public and community.
6. Why did you choose this particular company?
I choose this organization because it is a New York City, non-for-profit agency.
7. Describe the process in which you got your job. Did you interview? With how many people? How many times?
I saw the job posting online and came in person to fill out the application. Do not know how many people applied for the job. I was interviewed twice for my current position.
8.How long have you worked here?
I have worked for Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) for 3 years.
9. What is your job title?
Clerical Associate II
10. What do your duties include? Another way of asking this question is, "What kinds of work does your job involve?"
My duties include:
· Serves as a receptionist
· Conducts a wide variety of typing and computer assignments
· Track all physicals both pre-employment and annual of both adult and youth volunteers for return of uniforms of inactive volunteers
· Set appointments for drug testing
· Responsible for submitting work orders and supply orders
· Perform status reports and letters of recommendations for volunteers
· Partner with schools and educational centers to facilitate community serve and internship opportunities
11. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?
Due to New York State budget cuts the funding to HHC has been decreased. This means many services the hospital provides have been reduced or canceled. The Volunteer Department has been reduced to 2 staff members because of this cut we had to temporally stop accepting new volunteers.
12. What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is working with students, like yourself. It is extremely rewarding to help interns, students and volunteers. I have seen many high school students go off to college and college interns find a great job.
13. What is something you would like to change about your job?
In the future I would like to expand our internship program to include a larger number of high schools and colleges.
14. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that job similar or different?
Yes. I have previous worked for National Grid. For 1 year. The job was somewhat similar; I worked for the accounting department as receptionist.
15. What do you see as your future with this company? If you plan on changing jobs, what will you do?
I would like to stay at HHC and one day hopefully become Assistant Director of the Volunteer Department.
16.Do you enjoy the kind of work you do? Why or why not?
Yes, I enjoy my job because there are many different features to my job which make it interesting and helping the public is a plus.
17. How has having an intern helped your company or organization?
Yes, the interns help various departments throughout the hospital. The hospital is always seeking individual such as intern to aid in the everyday more of their department. The intern can help administration with clerical work or work with a nurse and helping the patients. Each intern plays an important role in aiding the hospital function.
18. What advice would you give to teenage interns (such as myself) getting ready for college?
Try not to get overwhelmed by picking the top rated college pick a college you are interested in! And study, study for those SAT's!!! Remember to look and apply for any scholarships.
19. What advice would you give to teenage interns (such as myself) preparing to find a career in the real world?
The best advice I can give you is try and pick a major in a field you are interests you that way you’ll be content with your job. And always try to your best… your hard work will pay off!
Christina Cornacchia
2. Where are you from (city, state, country)?
Brooklyn, New York, USA
3. Where did you go to college? For how long? Would you like to go back to school?
I attended St. Francis College I was a Political Science major, I have a B.A. I am current in graduate school for Health Care Administrative at the CUNY Center for Professional Studies.
4. (If the interview went to college)... What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and at which school?
I was a Political Science major, I have a B.A. I am current in graduate school for Health Care Administrative at the CUNY Center for Professional Studies.
5. What made you choose your career you are working in now?
I choose the field of working for a non-profit health care organization because I was able to work for New York City in a way that benefits the public and community.
6. Why did you choose this particular company?
I choose this organization because it is a New York City, non-for-profit agency.
7. Describe the process in which you got your job. Did you interview? With how many people? How many times?
I saw the job posting online and came in person to fill out the application. Do not know how many people applied for the job. I was interviewed twice for my current position.
8.How long have you worked here?
I have worked for Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) for 3 years.
9. What is your job title?
Clerical Associate II
10. What do your duties include? Another way of asking this question is, "What kinds of work does your job involve?"
My duties include:
· Serves as a receptionist
· Conducts a wide variety of typing and computer assignments
· Track all physicals both pre-employment and annual of both adult and youth volunteers for return of uniforms of inactive volunteers
· Set appointments for drug testing
· Responsible for submitting work orders and supply orders
· Perform status reports and letters of recommendations for volunteers
· Partner with schools and educational centers to facilitate community serve and internship opportunities
11. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?
Due to New York State budget cuts the funding to HHC has been decreased. This means many services the hospital provides have been reduced or canceled. The Volunteer Department has been reduced to 2 staff members because of this cut we had to temporally stop accepting new volunteers.
12. What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is working with students, like yourself. It is extremely rewarding to help interns, students and volunteers. I have seen many high school students go off to college and college interns find a great job.
13. What is something you would like to change about your job?
In the future I would like to expand our internship program to include a larger number of high schools and colleges.
14. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that job similar or different?
Yes. I have previous worked for National Grid. For 1 year. The job was somewhat similar; I worked for the accounting department as receptionist.
15. What do you see as your future with this company? If you plan on changing jobs, what will you do?
I would like to stay at HHC and one day hopefully become Assistant Director of the Volunteer Department.
16.Do you enjoy the kind of work you do? Why or why not?
Yes, I enjoy my job because there are many different features to my job which make it interesting and helping the public is a plus.
17. How has having an intern helped your company or organization?
Yes, the interns help various departments throughout the hospital. The hospital is always seeking individual such as intern to aid in the everyday more of their department. The intern can help administration with clerical work or work with a nurse and helping the patients. Each intern plays an important role in aiding the hospital function.
18. What advice would you give to teenage interns (such as myself) getting ready for college?
Try not to get overwhelmed by picking the top rated college pick a college you are interested in! And study, study for those SAT's!!! Remember to look and apply for any scholarships.
19. What advice would you give to teenage interns (such as myself) preparing to find a career in the real world?
The best advice I can give you is try and pick a major in a field you are interests you that way you’ll be content with your job. And always try to your best… your hard work will pay off!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Midpoint Reflection
The internship has been kind of the same as my expectations and some are different. I has worked in a small place and work with the telephone and printer. The differences are I don't need to use computer and I can see the babies in the pediatric clinic. That's out of my expectation. I have grown as a result of interacting with professional adults, I almost like the little assistant to help my co-workers. I work with them and the feeling as I am a adult. In my internship site, I have learned the new skills that i think can apply at other jobs are communication with the phone, and organized patients' information. I think these skills can become a office lady. I have improved my English since beginning internship because everyday I would call different patients and sometimes learn the new things from my co-workers. I also gain my solved question skills, endurance and patience so far. When the patients have questions, you should know how to solved it in the correct way and patiently listen to them.
The altered schedule have affected me. Everyday only has 2 regular classes and after the internship, I got very tired and still need to do the homework. This period is more hard and challenging for me. I can't study or do homework on my internship way and home way because I only take 15-25 minutes bus to the place. I always sleep one hour after the internship and then get my homework done. And also teachers are extending our homework or assignment time. That's very helpful.
There are six weeks of internship left. I hope I can learn not only make phone call and make the copies, but also other new abilities and skills in my internship site. For example to use the computer to help the patient re-schedule and help the new patients make cards that they can use that card to make the appointments and check up.
My co-workers are very take care of me. At the beginning, our relationship like boss and employee, then as friends. Right now, they love me as their daughters. I am so lucky can work with them. The challenges I have also are talk to the patients on the phone. Our patients are from different countries and not good at speaking English. Sometimes I really want to use body language to show them. That can make them easier to understand what I say. I have a good idea to overcome this problem is slowly to tell them our hospital's name, room number, time of the appointment and the name of the kids. (My internship site is in pediatric clinic.) The another challenge is how to pronounce patient's name and figure out the gender. I still need to find an useful way to overcome it.
Friday, February 18, 2011
This is telephone which I use in my internship to make a phone call to remind the patients to make up their appointment. It is also my first assignment when I got to pediatric clinic in Coney Island Hospital. This artifact represents my internship because it is very important thing to use at my work.
As you know, this is a printer. It is my friend in my internship. I use it to make the paper copy of patients' information for each doctor. It represents my internship because it is a main object for my work, I can not work without it in the clinic.
Post Card
This is a post card of Coney Island hospital. If patients appointment has been change, I will write down the new appointment on the post card and of course including their names and addresses. After finished that, I would deliver the cards the to mail room. It also represents my internship because post card is make sure my reminding work is finally done.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
First Impressions
I work in Coney Island Hospital. My internship started a little bit late, but it is fine. My mentor is Christina Cornacchia. She is Clerical Associate II and works Volunteer Service Department. She is very amiable, helpful and considerate. I work in Pediatrics Clinic (T105). There is a small place but it's very busy and joyous because there are many babies around us. When I first started working at my internship, my very first thoughts were strange, afraid and challenge. Three jobs I have done so far are make a phone call to the patient for make up or remind them about their appointments, helping copy the papers, and send the letters to the mail room. The most challenging part of internship is making the phone call to the patients. I have to talk to different kind of people and some of them have a louder voice, after the phone, my ears are hurt. The other reason is I have to know what they say and what they want. It's challenging part for me. One skill I have learned is conversation.
How many people work at this organization?
Does this organization exist in other cities besides New York? If so, which cities?
When I asked Ms. Christina about the primary goal of Volunteer Service Organization , she explained that the main goal is To serve the communities of southern Brooklyn by providing high quality, safe and cost effective health care services in a courteous, compassionate and respectful way, regardless of ability to pay. We will be the provider of choice for residents of southern Brooklyn, operating a network of community and hospital-based programs in attractive, safe and comfortable settings. There are 3,000 people are employed by Coney Island Hospital. The organization The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) only has facilities in New York.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Who I Am Video
Verse 1
If what I am is what's in me
Then I'll stay strong - that's who I'll be
and I will always be the best
"me" that I can be.
There's only one me, I am it
have a dream I'll follow it
It's up to me to try.
Chorus 1
Oh! I'm a keep my head up high
Keep on reaching high
Never gonna quit
I'll be getting stronger.
And nothing's gonna bring me down (no!)
Never gonna stop, gotta go.
Because I know
I'll keep getting stronger.
Bridge 1
And what I am is patient
what I am is easygoing
what I am is respectful
and what I am is industrious
what I am is hopeful
what I am is special
There's nothing I can't achieve.
Because in myself I believe in oh...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Internship Goal
This will be my first time to intern and I am very excited to work at Coney Island Hospital. My goals are to gain work experience and learn how to communicate with different patients. I hope to gain more medical knowledge, communication skills, and develop my organizational skills in a hospital environment. I think this internship can make me into more of an adult. Based on my interview, the work I'll do is answer phones, enter data, and communicate with patients.
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