1. Look back to your earliest posts. What were your goals? Did you achieve these goals? If so, what did you have to do consistently to achieve the goals?
My earliest goal is gain work experience and learn how to communicate with different patients. And develop my organizational skills in a hospital environment. Later I set the new goal that use the computer to help the patient re-schedule and help the new patients make clinic cards that they can use that card to make the appointments and check up. I achieved these goal, I start to learn the base things like making phones call, delivering the files and making copies. I did it well and I am curious how they work on the computer. Then the co-workers taught me help the patients re-schedule and made the clinic cards.
2. What are the most important ideas or skills you’ve learned in the last 12 weeks?
The most important skills I've learned in the last weeks are communication,written and oral, attention to detail, manage a calendar schedule and attention to deadlines.
3. In what ways have your grown as a student and young adult?
I think is handle things in different ways. When students have challenging questions, they have teachers to led them to solve it. when adult have challenging things, you need to predict what you should do and what you can not do. Sometime, you need to solve that without help, only by yourself.
4. What were the highlights (memorable moments) of your internship experience?
The highlights of my internship experience were the first day I work in the pediatrics clinic and I don't know what to do and waited for the jobs, the lady nicely to greet me and show me the procession to make phone calls. At the last week, I learned how to use the computer to help the patients re-schedule, After I finished, I found I made mistakes of it and I told them honestly. The co-workers did rebuke me, they said "nice try" they didn't correct the mistakes, but they tell you the procession to solved it.
5. What have you learned about the professional world?
I have learned learn about the professional world that base on different people, say and do different words and works. Every time you should show your respectful and your hard work, then people will know you and like you that you can learn more things you want to get.
6. What challenges did you overcome?
The challenges I overcome were communicate with the patients with the phone and base on the direction to find the rooms where I should deliver the stuffs to or grab the stuffs from.
7. If you were to start internship next week, what is at least one thing you would do differently?
I would do differently is willing to ask more curious questions and quickly to done my work then I have time to learn new things.
8. Think of two to three pieces of advice you could offer a new intern at your site.
I could offer three advices for a new intern at my site, they are RESPECTFUL, TRY YOUR BEST TO GET YOUR WORK DONE, AND WILLING TO ASK AND HELP. Another suggestion is CURIOUS.
9. What will you miss about your internship?
I will miss my new friends, co-workers and my supervisor. I'll also miss the nurses and the babies. I miss what I did during my internship.
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